Altofts Junior School

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At Altofts, we understand the value of learning at home. 



We define homework as any activity that pupils undertake outside of school lesson time, either on their own or with the support of family members. At Altofts Junior School, we have a strong commitment to parental involvement and see homework as one way of developing this partnership.

At Altofts Junior School, we set weekly homework because:

  • It informs parents/carers about their child’s class work;
  • It further stimulates enthusiasm for learning;
  • It further develops and embeds learning;
  • It provides the opportunity for parents/carers and their child to work together;
  • It helps to foster good habits of organisation and self-discipline.

Routines and Expectations

Homework at Altofts Junior School focuses mainly on developing the basic skills of reading, spelling and times tables knowledge.

We focus on these three key areas, as we believe that:

  • They are fundamental skills which underpin many aspects of English and maths and the wider curriculum;
  • We as a school can build upon these within our day-to-day practice by providing opportunities to apply them across all areas of the curriculum.

In order to do this, it is expected that all children:

  • Read a minimum of 3x per week and that this is recorded in the reading diary;
  • Complete a 20-minute task on the ‘Garage’ section of TTRockstars.
  • Complete 10 games on Spelling Shed or learn the week's spellings which will be shared on Dojo

Each task relies on repetition of knowledge and skills. Repetition leads to a change in long term memory and therefore learning.

All homework is set on a Friday. Reading must be completed by the following Friday and TTRockstars and Spelling Shed tasks by 10:00pm on Thursday.

We provide incentives and rewards on a weekly basis for completing homework, each child receiving Dojos.

If tasks are regularly not completed, the class teacher will invite the child to attend lunch time homework club to support the completion of homework.

As both TTRockstars and The Spelling Shed are online programmes, we will provide opportunities during the school week, but not in lesson time, for children who do not have access or are having difficulty. It is the child’s responsibility to inform their class teacher if this is the case.

Additional Homework Tasks

Year 6 children will be provided with additional English and maths activities as part of a revision process in order to help them prepare for their End of Key Stage 2 SATs. In doing so, we are mindful not to overload the children and therefore will not provide the reading, TTRockstars and Spelling Shed tasks.

Equal Opportunities

We have high expectations for all children in order to ensure that they are able to reach their full potential. Homework tasks will be modified appropriately in discussion with the SENCo, external professionals and parents in order to meet each pupil’s needs.


Children's Video Guide to TTRS 


Parent Guide to Spelling Shed